Despre dr. Carmen Gheorghiță
Dr. Carmen Gheorghita
Medic Primar Chirurgie Plastica, Estetica si Microchirurgie Reconstructiva
Doctor in Stiinte Medicale
Am absolvit Facultatea de Medicina Generala a Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca in 1999.
In anul 2000 am lucrat ca medic stagiar la Spitalul Judetean Braila.
In 2001 am inceput specializarea in Chirurgie Plastica, Estetica si Microchirurgie Reconstructiva la Spitalul de Urgenta Floreasca din Bucuresti sub indrumarea Domnului Profesor Ioan Lascar, devenind medic specialist in 2007.
Din 2007 lucrez in cadrul compartimentului de Chirurgie Plastica al Spitalului Judetean Braila.
In anul 2012 am devenit medic primar. Incepind cu 2015 imi desfasor activitatea privata in domeniul chirurgiei plastice si estetice in Clinica Diaconia Braila. Interventiile de chirurgie estetica le realizez in cadrul Clinicii Medical Analysis Constanta.
Am devenit Doctor in Stiinte Medicale in 2014 avand ca tema de doctorat “Modalitati de reconstructie microchirurgicala a fetei dupa rezectii oncologice”, conducator stiintific fiind Domnul Profesor Ioan Lascar.
Articole publicate
1. Present indication, surgical technique, and postoperative treatment in replantation, functional results – First national Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Sinaia 2004.
2. Hand Tumor. Case presentation – First national Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Sinaia 2004.
3. Giant thoracic tumor. Case presentation – First national Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Sinaia 2004.
4. Venous sentinel catheter for prophilaxis of microsurgical venous anastomosis thrombosis experimental study on 20 rabbits – First national Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Sinaia 2004.
5. Surgical therapy particularities in treating the diabetic foot – First national Congress of the Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons, Sinaia 2004.
6. Digital reconstructions with hetetotopic replantations and digital and articular free flaps – Annual Meeting of the Romanian Association of plastic Surgeons, 2005.
7. Digital reconstruction with digital joint free flap Annual Meeting of the Romanian Association of plastic Surgeons, 2005.
8. Utilizarea lamboului muscular temporal pentru acoperirea defectelor dupa exentereza orbitei – Annual Meeting of the Romanian Association of plastic Surgeons, 2005.
9. Topografia interna a nervilor periferici – studiu anatomic pe 5 cadavre proaspete.
10. Procedee microchirurgicale reconstructive in chirurgia capului si gatului.
11. Topografia interna a nervilor periferici – studiu imagistic folosind RMN si ecografia de inalta rezolutie.
12. Versatilitatea lamboului anterolateral de coapsa pe perforante : studiu anatomic si o trecere in revista a literaturii de specialitate.
13. Therapeutic approach of Acromegaly, Ccongresul Anual de Endocrinologie, Constanta, 1999.
14. Forehead flaps in face reconstruction after tumor removal, Annals of plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery, 1/2012.
15.Antero-lateral tight flap in reconstruction of complex facial defects resulted after tumor resections, Analele Universitatii Dunarea de Jos Galati, 2/2013.
16.Radial forearm flap versus anterolateral thigh flap in face reconstruction after tumor resections -Analele Universitatii Dunarea de Jos Galati, 1/2014.
Cursuri si congrese
- Tratamentul modern al arsurilor, Bucuresti, 2002
- Reconstructia sanului, Timisoara 2003
- International practical course in Microsurgery of Vessels and Nerves, Timisoara 2004
- International workshop Botulinum Toxin&hyaluronic acid Aesthetic indications, Bucuresti 2005
- Tehnici endoscopice de chirurgie estetica - demonstratie pe cadavru, Lambourile liber transferate - disectie pe cadavru, IML Bucuresti 2005
- Actial Concept in Burns Tratment, Bucharest, 2005
- Intensive course on surgical anatomy and Technique Refinement, Bucuresti 2006
- Intensive course on Nonsurgical Antiaging technique: fillers, chemical peels, botulinum toxin, mesotherapy. Bucuresti 2006
- Aesthetics, dermatology and Surgery treatments with Fotona Nd:yag , Er:yag, Q-switched Nd:yag Lasers, Slovenia 2008
- Protocol standard de injectare Sculptra, Bucuresti 2009
- Cosmetic Facial Surgery - Allergan Medical Aesthetics, Bucuresti 2009
- Noi modalitati in tehnica injectarii cu Vistabel &juvederm Ultra, Facial Allergan Academy, Bucuresti 2010
- Breast Augmentation &reconstruction Workshop, Bucuresti 2011
- Curs de augmentare mamara, Bucuresti 2011
- FaceEyesNose Course - theory & dissection based Aesthetic facial &Rhinoplasty Course, Coventry 2013
- Chirurgia sanului: Aestetica si reconstructie , Bucuresti 2015
- Plasmolifting in Cosmetology & Trichology, Bucuresti 2015
- The Beauty of Breast Cancer Surgery - Bucuresti, 2015
- Al 7-lea Congres National de medicina Anti-aging din Romania, Bucuresti 2015
- Al 8-lea Congres National de medicina Anti-aging din Romania, Bucuresti 2016
- Workshop - Corectie ( volumetrie faciala ) cu ajutorul acidului hialuronic si a laserului, Bucuresti 2016
- Tehnici moderne de rejuvenare faciala - Expert day Mesoestetic, Bucuresti 2016
- Peelinguri chimice in tratamente medicale estetice si tratamente combinate, Bucuresti 2016
- Open Rhinoplasty Course - the best ever, better than ever before, Italia 2016
- Tehnici dermatoestetice combinate, Bucuresti 2017
- Injectarea cu acid hialuronic si suturi de lifting facial, Winter Beauty Meeting , Bucuresti 2017
- Al 9-lea Congres National de medicina Anti-aging din Romania, Bucuresti 2017
- ISAPS Course Bucharest 2017
- EASAPS Congress Bucharest 2017
- Interactive Facial Rejuvenation Course, Italia 2017
- Master course in Biorivolumetria "The New Biorivolumetria Concept - Full Face Contouting and Lifting Technique . Techniques for reshaping the Face, Neck , decollte and hands", Bucuresti 2018
- Bazele anatomice pentru injectarea cu acid hialuronic la nivelul fetei , Bucuresti 2019
- Going beyond beauty : A comprehensive course on injection therapy, Cehia 2019
- FaceEyesNose Course - theory & dissection based Aesthetic facial &Rhinoplasty Course, Coventry 2019